Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Worms, Turnips, Barn Coops, and Drunk Dogs

There has been a lot going on at the Stinson homestead this last week!  Mostly good and a little bad.  I'll go against the grain and give you the good news first.

Our baby bunnies are two weeks old now and hippity hopping all around their cage.  They're a little ahead of their growth schedule since there were only two bunnies as opposed to the typical nine or ten.  We're not sure of their sex yet but one is brown and the other is black and they are FAT!

We also got all the big rocks picked out of the field we're going to use for corn this summer.  It only took us about 3 weeks.  And by the way, I'm never doing that by hand again.  Kenn planted buckwheat in the field for now in order to churn up the soil a bit and give it some nutrients before we plant corn this spring.
Worm Bin

And we got worms!  Not the parasite kind, the worm bin kind. I cannot wait to use the worm juice on our plants and I'm excited to get some of our food scraps composted more quickly.  This will be fantastic for our garden!

Our turnips finally went berserk, grew their bulbs and we've been eating them with our homemade hummus.  We really were hoping to have these during the winter since turnips are supposed to be a cold weather crop and we grew them in the cold frame but I guess getting them in spring is better than not getting any at all!

The barn coop roof is finally up and the loft finished too.  Now for the siding and doors and we'll be set!  It's a good thing we've had some good weather to work on this considering our chickens and turkeys get here in April.  I'd also like to camp out in the loft one night before we put the birds in there.  Hanging out in that loft is like relaxing in a glorified tree house! 
Kenn in the coop loft

And then there was Remington... you realize how much you love your pets when you spend your tax refund fixing their teeth that they broke on rocks in the yard.  He was pretty groggy when we brought him home from his procedure on Tuesday so of course I snapped a picture of the poor dog.  He looked pretty snazzy in the green handkerchief the vet gave him for St. Patrick's day.

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