Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Spring Madness

That whole bit about sticking to one project at a time in order to actually finish them definitely doesn't work for us.  We didn't finish the chicken run last weekend but boy did we get a lot of other farm chores worked on and some completed.

The corn field is finally planted with sweet corn and a few other varieties.  We want to see which variety grows best here in the PNW at 1,100 feet.  In past years I have had troubles with birds plucking the corn kernels out of the ground after they've germinated which rips the tops of the plants clean off.  This year Kenn and I put together quite the creepy scarecrow.  It looks more like a Night of the Living Dead character.  We also strung some string across the rows of corn in hopes of deterring the birds.

Corn Field With Extra Creepy Scarecrow

Since the bottom story of the barn coop is all sealed up and temperatures outside aren't too cold, we decided to move the chicks and turkeys out to it from their tiny nest box in the shop.  We're still using a heat lamp just in case and so far so good!  They made it through their first night in the barn coop and seem to like their new home.

Chicks And Turkeys In The Barn Coop
And if these birds weren't enough, Kenn came home Monday night with nine more.  Nestled in their nest box in the shop we now have two Guineas, two Bantams, and five Broilers.  I'm guessing we should make some headway on the chicken run this weekend...
Guineas, Bantams, Broilers

In other news, our garden is doing pretty good so far.  Even with that last cold snap!  Chives are well on their way to producing seeds for next year and the lupines are getting huge!  We can't wait to try these legumes.  Neither Kenn nor I have ever eaten lupine beans so if we like them we will harvest them again next year.  The strawberries and raspberries seem to be very happy and the rest of our starts are well on their way.
Chives, Lupines, Garden

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